Saturday, November 29, 2008

Henry is ONE!

We celebrated Henry's 1st Birthday on November 22nd with lots of family and friends! We chose a "little monkey" theme for his party - very fitting for our little climber! Henry truly enjoyed having all his favorite people in one place, and his first tastes of cake and ice cream.

I can't believe he is a year old! It is so bittersweet. I want him to stay a baby since he is our last, but at the same time it is so much fun watching him grow and develop into an amazing little boy! Henry has been such a joy. He is the little boy that Bart and I never thought we would have or even wanted, but we were so wrong! Henry is such a blessing to us all, and has completed our family.

I had probably 200 pictures from the party, so needless to say it was hard to narrow down my choices for posting here. Sorry there are so many ...

Happy Birthday Henry Bailey Hill! We love you SOOOOO much little man!

1 comment:

The Palmer Fam said...

What a gorgeous boy!! Happy Birthday Henry!